HowTo JSON-LD JobPosting

Integration is particularly suitable for companies (SMEs) that have individual vacancies to fill.
It is important that the JSON-LD is included on the detail page of the job offer – not on the overview page, where there might be more than one job offer.
<script type="application/ld+json"> {
"@context" : "",
"@type" : "JobPosting",
"title" : " Praktikant / Werkstudent im Bereich Online Marketing (m/w) (SEO, SEA und Display) ",
"description" : "<p>Überall dieselbe alte Leier. Das Layout ist fertig, der Text lässt auf sich warten.</p>",
"identifier": {
"name": "Musterfirma GmbH",
"value": "MF-PRK-OM"
"datePosted" : "2017-07-10",
"validThrough" : "2017-10-01T00:00",
"employmentType" : "INTERN",
"hiringOrganization" : {
"@type" : "Organization",
"name" : "Musterfirma GmbH",
"sameAs" : ""
"jobLocation" : { "@type" : "Place",
"address" : {
"@type" : "PostalAddress",
"streetAddress" : "Musterstraße 23",
"addressLocality" : "Musterstadt",
"addressRegion" : "NRW",
"postalCode" : "12345",
"addressCountry": "DE"
"baseSalary": {
"@type": "MonetaryAmount",
"currency": "EUR",
"value": {
"@type": "QuantitativeValue",
"value": 40.00,
"unitText": "HOUR"
#JobPosting shortcode for the TinyMCE
[sc_fs_job html="true" title="JobPosting: die Standardausgabe!" title_tag="h3" description="Eine tolle Beschreibung. Man kann Felder auch leer lassen – wie beispielsweise base_salary" valid_through="2019-11-08" employment_type="FULL_TIME" company_name="gorboMEDIEN" same_as="" logo_id="309" street_address="wiesenstr. 4" address_locality="halle" address_region="ST" postal_code="06184" address_country="DE" currency_code="EUR" quantitative_value="200" base_salary="HOUR" css_class=""]