Here we document the development of the plugin and give an outlook on the upcoming version. If you are interested in further details, have a look at our git-repository bei gitlab.
Support the development
We love free software! Nevertheless, it would be nice if you support us, motivate us and give us the time to work on further development more often.
2.0 (planned)
- [FEATURE] Structured content element “How To” (Gutenberg).
- [FEATURE] Settings page for global structured elements (e.g. colours, rounded corner, offer the possibility that our default CSS is not loaded.
- ISO Code Select when necessary in SCE
Check the milestone planning on
- [FEATURE] New Gutenberg block LocalBusiness
- [FEATURE] Option to add anchors to all headings (id=”#”), Gutenberg-Block
- [FEATURE] JobPosting: add JobLocationType TELECOMMUTE, Gutenberg-Block
- [FEATURE] JobPosting: add employmentTypes FULL_TIME & PART_TIME, Gutenberg-Block
- [FEATURE] Nicer animation for FAQ FE Summary, Gutenberg-Block
- [FEATURE] Setting additional CSS classes via the Gutenberg standard
- [FIX] Testing of different Bundler
- [FIX] Remove Last One Button removes all faqs in multiple faq section
- [FEATURE] links in FE für tel, mail & url
- [FIX] little CSS things here and there
- [FIX] better datepicker
- [FIX] invalid JSON – thanks @gefruckelt
- [FIX] empty JSON strings in JOB block
- [FIX] translation in EVENT block
- [FEATURE] “InnerBlocks” instead of “RichText” in Gutenberg. Goal: already formatted text can be copied into the text field and formatting is applied.
- [FEATURE] offer list item for FAQ-Gutenberg block
- [FEATURE] Accordion function in the FE e.g.: with several FAQ (Gutenberg only)
- [FEATURE] alternate name for SCE “Person”
- [FIX] missing or wrong translations
- [FIX] correct datetimes for some snippets
- [FIX] removed mailto from mail links in person snippet
- [FIX] border box resizing in frontend
- [FIX] CSS in mobile view
- [FIX] Timezone added for Event Dates
- [FIX] Timezone added for Job Dates
- [NEW] eventStatus, eventAttendanceMode for Event-Element (Tiny-MCE & Gutenberg); see:
- [NEW] SameAs, WorksFor for Person-Element (Tiny-MCE & Gutenberg)
- [FIX] translation now works in lightboxmodal for tinyMCE
- [FIX] output of incorrectly nested HTML within JSON-LD
- [FIX] Backend issues with the lightbox modal
- [FEATURE] jQuery completely removed from the plugin
- [NEW] Structured element “Course” (Gutenberg & TinyMCE)
- [NEW] Icon set (
- [NEW] Update mechanism for blocks
- [NEW] Optional fields for “Events”: image, offers, performer
- [FIX] “Events” description in JSON works now 🙂
- [FIX] Refactored css classes that started with sc- to sc_
- [FIX] Issue with select fields in Gutenberg
- [FIX] Some improvements of the lightbox modal
- [FIX] for FAQ >10 (thanks to WOLFER MEDIA, tobias.grasse)
- [NEW] Multi FAQ (Gutenberg & TinyMCE)
- [NEW] Datepicker for Events
- [New] Person as structured element
- [NEW] Event as structured element
- [FIX] escape links
- Complete rewrite
- Thanks for your support: codemacher, web/dev/media, pixeldreher, superguppi